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Pretty Boy Hustler vs 1900 Troller Ends With Beautiful Mate in 4! Kevin Cruise vs Kaiski
New Hustler vs Queen Trash Talker Ends With Nasty Mate! Sue State vs Drizzy Drake
WFM Botez Goes Beast Mode On Raging Trash Talker! WFM Alexandra Botez vs Boston Mike
He Sacs His Queen On Move 7!...Chaos Ensues! Boston Mike vs Wild Cody
New Hustler Brings His A-Game vs Trash Talker! Drizzy Drake vs The Great Carlini
Genius Rook + Knight Sac Ends With Venus King Trap! Jeff The Shark vs Cobra Chris
This Guy Thinks I'm a Coward
Filipino Master Shows Trash Talker His Speed! The Great Carlini vs GrandPAmaster Alan
2000 Rated Hacksaw’s HAM Attack Stuns Queen Trash Talker! Hacksaw Henry vs Sue State
Chess Shark Sacs Bishop On MOVE 5 vs IM Eric Rosen! Jeff The Shark vs IM Eric Rosen
Evergreen Chess Showdown | Gwen vs. Brooklyn Dave | Trash Talkers Game | Epic Moves & Twists